Wednesday, December 17, 2014

12/17-My Finale Blog Post

Dear Mrs. Pace

#1 -When you say unit, I assume you are talking about genres. My favorite genre would've been macabre, but we ended up writing a dictionary on it. For all the other genres we wrote books, but as soon as we get to the good one, we wrote a dictionary. So now my favorite genre would be sci-fi.
#2 -My favorite creative burst was Space 2199. It was so simple but so creative. You gave us characters and a situation and told us to work off of that. You set guidelines without putting up a hundred restrictions. That was the best burst.
#3 -The film studies did not help me at all. If anything, they butchered my grade. They were good for wasting time though.
#4 -The Truman Show
#5 -The Dr. Seuss book or the macabre dictionary.
#6 -You could've had less restrictions. This class felt more like writing than creative. Could you also grade projects a little bit faster next time? It just took a little too long.
#7 -I didn't have a problem with working on the computers, but others did have technical issues. I honestly liked it.
#8 -I do not feel my grade reflects my writing because the way I write was bent and forced to write a certain way. I really didn't have a choice to do it unless I wanted a failing grade. The only reason I was sarcastic and mocked many of our assignments was just me trying to have a little bit of fun through the semester.
#9 -You might want to shrink the projects. They took us so long to complete that we didn't get to experience all of the genres. Can you also take away the film study sessions? Those only lowered our grades and wasted valuable time that could've been spent towards our projects. Also, a little less restrictions when we write. Like I answered on a previous question, I liked that certain burst because you sat up simple guidelines. This next thing I'm about to mention might just be me, but do you think of us as children? You gave us many creative bursts and assignments that seemed like they required the innocent mind of a child to do them. Those assignments I had the most trouble getting done because I could not keep them from being too dark. Finally, last suggestion, please do not give as much work. It was tough enough to complete the EOC presentation and the poetry portfolio. This class has real potential, you just need to learn from your mistakes.

Gabriel Copeland

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

12/9-Persona Poetry

I am Oprah Winfrey.
Some say I've become popular because I give free things out,
And that I buy my friends
So what if I buy my audience by giving them the next best thing.
As long as the ratings are high,
So are my stacks of money.
Whatever keeps the money rolling in,
I will do it!
I give the most expensive things away.
I buy TV stations so the attention is always on me.
Money, money, money!
Money, money, money!
Money, money, money!
There's never enough money.
(This is seriously all I know about Oprah.
I even tried to read about her on the internet,
but then I gave up halfway through.
So for the remaining lines,
I'll either just keep writing about how I don't know her,
or just make something up on the way.
I think I'll stick with making something up.
If anyone is a fan of Oprah,
DO NOT get angry at me.
At least I tried.)
On the next episode of me,
I'll probably talk about the same spiritual crap I always talk about.
Then, I will give out iPhone 8++'s.
That will really get me a audience.
And get me even more money.
Money, money, money!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

12/4-Unrequited Love

I'm not really a big writer on "love." I personally think it's overrated, so I don't have any experience in it. I did have those moments in my life where I didn't feel the same for someone who liked me. According to this research, I guess I was suppose to feel bad when I rejected them. I honestly didn't feel anything though. I just swept it off my shoulder and continued with my day, so this research doesn't really go for everyone. Both sides don't have to feel bad.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

12/2-Top Secret

So my spouse works in a counter terrorist group. I have no problem with that, but I do have a problem with the rest of the creative burst. First, if I'm old enough to be married, why would I care if school's been canceled. Second, don't I have a job I need to get to, or do I just sit around and let my wife do the work? Third, why would my spouse be in the shower with a phone, and why would she be talking about top secret information over it? She should realize that calls can be tracked and heard. Also, we must live in a really small house if I'm sleeping in bed and I can still hear her talking in the shower across the house. Why would we have a small house if she works for a government operation? If she knows top secret information about the country, she must be paid a whole lot. I just don't get it. How did she even get this job if she can't shut her mouth and know not to bring electronics into a running shower. Are we suppose to have kids by the way? The teacher put in, "school has been canceled," part for some reason. Why would we have kids? My spouse works for a group that deals with terrorists! The terrorists could hold my children hostage for a ransom of money or something like that. So we wouldn't have kids because we wouldn't want them to constantly fear for their lives, and if we don't have kids, we should have a bigger house. Kids are expensive, so why not use all that money we saved from not having children to buying a bigger house... Maybe I'm thinking too hard about this. I could've just wrote a unreasonable story about my wife illogically discussing secrets about America over the phone, but that doesn't sound very interesting or unique. I'm just going to stick with this.

Thursday, November 20, 2014


To be honest, if you're hearing voices in your head, you are probably crazy. Especially if there's five of them. What would they argue about? I don't know. I don't have voices in my head. It's kind of empty up there. I kind of do what ever I think of in that moment. If there's suppose to be different emotional voices in my head, I haven't found them yet. I barely change emotions. My natural emotion is boredom, and you can't blame me. We've been dragged through school our entire life, so how sensitive my emotions are have been numbed down. It's kind of weird. I don't get angry, I don't get sad, I don't get scared, and rarely do I ever get happy. That's only when I'm doing something bad though. How am I suppose to know what a bunch of emotions would talk about when I barely have experience in them?

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

11/18-Treason & Historical Fiction

There's a deadly war raging across the states between two rival gangs: the Supreme Cult and the Rebels. Both gangs fight for their beliefs and their greed for power. It's basically a second civil war within the United States. The authorities don't really bother getting involved into the fight because of the extreme power both gangs have. The Eastside of the country belongs to the Supreme Cult as the Westside belongs to the Rebels. Fights happened constantly because gang members wanted control over the states. Our scene is set in Texas. Where it is not confirmed who owns it, but it might be shortly. "Hello? Are you still up for the deal or not?" read the computer screen as. "Yes, the Supreme Cult can really use this state for a major funding," replied the cultist. The rebel read this and typed, "Good, here's the plan. I'll set some explosives up, detonate them, and watch my gang pull out of the state." "Sounds good, and in return, we will pay you $250,000," said the cultist. "Deal! I'll plant the bombs tomorrow. Remember to get your people to put pressure on my people when the bombs go off. The rebels won't be able to stand their ground and will be forced to retreat," typed the rebel. "Will do. We will be waiting," the cultist responded. The mysterious rebel turned off his computer and got to work on the bombs right away. By tomorrow morning, all the explosives were ready to arm. He didn't get any sleep that night, but it didn't effect him one bit. He dressed up in his rebel outfit and headed out. He drove to the locations he planned on blowing up. On his way to the first location, the road in front of him was blocked off by rebel cars. He instantly realized what was going on, so he tried to back up but was cut off by more rebel cars. He accepted his defeat and crawled out of his car. One of the Rebel's lieutenants hopped out of the car in front of the traitorous rebel. The lieutenant pulled out a handgun and pointed it to the traitor. "You almost got away with it. You do know we are informed when one of our own boys are negotiating with our enemies, right? What did you plan on doing after you got the money? You think you can just get paid and then have nothing to worry about? We really need this state and you know that. We already have California, but when we get Texas too, we will become the richest gang. You just had to put that in jeopardy," shouted the lieutenant. The traitor opened his mouth to speak, but was shot in the head before he could. "I don't have time for excuses," said the lieutenant. He then turned away from the traitors dead body and walked back to his car. He pulled out his cellphone and called someone. "The traitor has been executed. Now let's get back to dealing with the cult," spoke the lieutenant as he got back into his car.

Friday, November 14, 2014

11/14-The Berlin Wall

My name is Erik, and I have volunteered to help destroy the Berlin Wall. It puts a smile my face to see pieces of the wall scatter when the bombs detonate. This means I'm one step closer to seeing Claudia once again. Claudia, my sweet dear wife, and my son Alexander. I haven't seen that boy for years. He must be grown up by now. I'm going to need to make up the lost time for him. The more I think about my family, the more I ache to get over this wall. I need to work faster if we- wait... I think we made a break through somewhere. Yes, we must have! I can see thousands of people cluttering near the wall. We did! I need to see my family. It's hard to get through the crowd of people, but I will push on. I see them! My beautiful wife and my brave son. 20 years behind this wall, and today I was reunited with my family.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

11/13-Macabre Arts

This "art" is suppose to represent something. I think it looks like a bunch of naked people underground. There's one guy shouting at a hole, which I think leads to the surface because light is coming through it. Everyone else is either crying or/and hugging someone else. One guy is against a wall, and on the other side of that wall is a bunch of dirt and bones. Maybe these people were buried alive. They were left to starve to death. It seems like, so there's my opinion.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

11/12-The Haunted House

It's been four years since the Weston couples have moved into the isolated house. The house has been passed down the Weston family for six generations. When Mr. Weston's dying mother was on her last few days of precious life, he and his family stayed in the house long enough to say their goodbyes. The night his mother died was a sorrow for the entire family, but before she took her last breath, she asked the family to carry on the tradition and live in the house. The Westons couldn't refuse without the feeling of guilt crawling around in their hearts, so they accepted. They moved from the big city to the small countryside. The family was miles away from any civilization. Only trees and the gravel road surrounded the house. The car they came with was their transportation, and the closest school was not like the schools the Weston kids were use to. Mrs. Weston became a stay at home wife. She cleaned, cooked, carried water in from the well, and even attended to the garden. Mr. Weston was the only one that worked. He was a employee for some sort of slaughter house. It was a gruesome job, but it kept the lights on in the house. The Westons had it all planned out, but a lot of things happened in those four years they lived there. In the mornings, when the kids go to school and the father goes to work, the thick fog lays gently on the mushy grounds. A calm breeze would blow and rustle the trees. It was always quite. Not even animals were found anywhere near the house. The wife claimed several times that she had seen someone in the far distance, lurking in  the fog. The husband always said that it was either her imagination or just a hunter. Why would there be a hunter with no animals to hunt? She knew what she saw wasn't what he suggested it to be. She kept seeing these "people" in the woods. She even says that they've tried to break in. Mr. Weston became worried, but took no action. One weekend, the husband left for work and the kids stayed home alone with their mother. To the father's surprise, he came home to find police cars in his driveway. He rushed into the house to see his wife in cuffs and his badly bruised kids being escorted out. A officer explained that the mother beat the children while yelling, "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" She told the officer that she was convinced that they were the people stalking her from the woods. Mrs. Weston was arrested while the children were brought to a foster home. Mr. Weston slept through many restless nights since then. Eventually, his wife was released from jail. The two of them went into depression due to the loss of their kids. Months passed, and the wife started to see the people again. She went mad. She went to the extreme to protect herself. She set up traps and would always carry their family rifle around with her. She would shoot into the woods, hoping she would hit one of those creatures. She didn't even doubt herself anymore. She believed that the faces in the fog and the people in the woods were not illusions. On the end of the fourth year, she waited for her husband to come home from work. When the car pulled into the driveway, and the front door opened, she pulled the trigger. Mr. Weston dropped dead in the living room. Within a few seconds, she came to her senses. She mourned about the mistake she made. She collapsed to her knees and closed her eyes. She prayed for forgiveness. Then, her eyes opened and witnessed the people from the woods in her living room. She made one final decision and pointed the gun to her head. With one pull of a trigger, her insanity and her life were over.

Friday, November 7, 2014

11/7-Ewww...That's Creepy

Think...think...think. All the things to think about. It's got to be creepy but not scary. Let's think together, shall we? Many things can be creepy to some but not to others. For example, clowns might scare few, but not the rest. Think...think...think. So much to create, and so much to destroy. Diseases, murder, and suffering. How about the mind of the insane? That's unsettling enough. On the outside they might just look like maniacs, but what could be going on in their mind? Maybe it is a constant reminder of the dark sins they've committed. It could be a terrible event in the past that they experienced, and it just plays in their head again and again. Maybe... just maybe... they are on the edge of insanity. Anyone can be. The people you walk by in the halls, the people that ride your bus, or the people you sit by could all instantly snap. One moment can be normal as the next can be tragic. We've all been pushed to the edge; it's only a matter of time before we jump. How about you? Have you jumped yet? Or are you just hiding it?  Are you refusing to accept the madness? You know it's creeping up on you. Every second brings you closer to it. Let's be honest, you've thought it would be easy to "remove" that one person that always causes problems, or it would be easier if things went your way. You just have one simple choice to make, but what would the others think of you. Would you care? Of course you would. Even if we say we deny the opinions of others, we truly don't. You take a step closer to the cliff of the insane everyday. Before you know it, you've become one of the lunatics locked up in the asylums.  Like I said before, it's only a matter of time before we plummet into the realm of insanity.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

10/30-Kanye West

I am the Kanye West. I love Kayne West. Everything needs to be Kayne West. Kayne West is Jesus. Kayne West is life. I was once asked who was the top 3 best rappers ever. My answer was: #1 Kayne West, #2 Kim Kardashian's husband, #3 Northwest's father. I strongly believe in this. The interviewer called me an idiot and left. One day, when I am truly believed to be a god, I will make him get on his knees and beg for forgiveness. I am Kayne West. I am god. I am the most important person the worshippers should pray for. I am everything.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

10/28-Mix Bag

One day, Zeus was at a Jimmy Buffett concert. Suddenly, a random teacher came out of nowhere and took his phone up in class. I guess the concert was going on in class or something, but I don't know why he didn't just zap the teacher. Maybe he was a good boy before he ruled all of Greece. I would've made the teacher get on their knees and apologize. Then, give me my phone back and I would order stoning upon the teacher, but that's just me. Since Zeus didn't do crap, this is the end.

Monday, October 27, 2014

10/27-Fairy Tale Name Poem

G = great
I = indulging
N = neglected
G = going along with about anything
E = extremely persuasive
R = resistive
B = bartering
R = ready for anything
E = erotic
A = awesome
D = deadly

M = manly
A = adaptable
N = not a ginger though

Friday, October 24, 2014

10/24-X Marks The Spot

I'm a cliché pirate with a cliché crew on a cliché ship. I found a cliché treasure map and followed the direction to a cliché island. My crew and I looked around and found the hidden treasure, but I guess it wasn't gold so it was something else. Oh, I never even introduced you to the crew. There's Captain Hook, the other guy that stands on top of the ship and only yells, "Land Ho!" Then there is me and you don't need to know who I am, so let's get back on the topic of the treasure. It wasn't gold so it probably wasn't even worth my time looking for anyway, but I have to say what it is. It was friendship. There you go. You now have closure with a cliché kids' pirate story. Unless I just say the pirates ate each other due to hunger, but then it wouldn't be much of a kids' story, would it? Why would I want to write a kids' story? Let's just leave it at: they ate each other and the last pirate that wasn't eaten found the treasure, which was full of fresh foods. The last pirate was ashamed of his decision to eat his fellow pirates, so he killed himself. Yeah... It's dark but when has anything I've wrote not been.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

10/23-That's punny!

Battle of the puns? This might be the all time lowest. Sorry, but I'm not full of cheap non-funny puns. The ones I do know or I can make up is REALLY not appropriate for school. By the way, who would be having a "pun-off?" I can understand a beat box or a freestyle rap battle, but if you're having a serious "pun-off" with someone, you need new friends. You (who ever was just unlucky enough to come across this) must be asking if this is just a another blog with another blogger ranting. The answer is yes. I'm not some circus clown that makes elementary school kids laugh. I'm a high school student that acts like what she/he would normally act like. I can't just turn around and do a complete blog about dudes arguing with puns. Unless I just copy some off of Google. Do you remember the time this class was creative? I don't either.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

10/21-Deja Vu

Caroline studied the old man carefully. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but something about him reminded her of someone else. But who? She stared at the old man as he hobbled off the bus. Caroline's mind was boggled and full of questions. "Who does he remind me of? Have I seen him somewhere before, or am I just crazy?" she thought to herself. When the bus came to her stop, she walked off and into her house. "Who is he?" she asked herself once again. Caroline decided to skip dinner today and headed straight to bed. "Was he my husband's father? How come I don't remember him then?" she questioned through out the night. By the next morning, she completely forgot about the old man. She woke up, got dressed, and hopped on the bus to work. This time, she saw the old man through the windows, strolling along on the sidewalk. He stared right back at her with his cloudy and faded colored eyes. The bus pulled off and Caroline was confused once again. Her work day went by slow. She was also coming back home to a empty house. Caroline has lived alone for years since her husband and the kids left her due to financial problems. So she's been fighting depression and even takes medication for it. Which she forgot to take this morning. She rushed off the bus and unlocked the front door of her house. She dashed upstairs to the bathroom. When she entered the bathroom, she was surprised to see the old man in there. He stood there with a rope in his hand. He swiftly grabbed Caroline's hair and dragged her downstairs to the basement. There, he injected her with a needle. She became dizzy and collapsed to the ground. The old man turned around and started to tie a noose around one of the support beams on the ceiling. Caroline sat on the ground helpless. She could only watch the old man set everything up. After, he looks back at Caroline and grabs her once again. He stands her up on a chair and ties the noose around her neck. Caroline couldn't get her mind straight. It must of been whatever was in that needle that was stabbed into her. She stood on the chair observing the old man before the chair was finally kicked out from under her. She dangled from the ropes that were strangling her. Her eyes slowly closed shut, but in a suddenly she woke up in a hospital. She glanced around the room and saw her whole family. They all went into shock when they saw her wake up. "Daddy! She's up! She's up!" Caroline's daughter yelled. Caroline's husband looked over and saw his wife waking up after a coma that lasted for years. "Oh god! Is it true? Are you actually awake?" the husband asked. "What happened?" Caroline requested a answer. "It's true! You're alive! We were about to pull the plug too," the husband said as he hugged her. "Is this true? Was I in a coma? Was I dreaming while I was in it? Is that why I felt deja vu when I saw the old man? That's what it was! I looked my murderer straight in the eyes," she thought to herself. "We'll make sure this never happens again, honey. I swear," promised the husband. Caroline opened her mouth and said, "It wasn't a suicide. It was attempted murder."

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Rain... I guess it's pretty cool. I like it, and I would really appreciate a flooding. I'm just saying that because it would be like a free swimming pool everywhere. I don't think I really need to go into detail about rain though since we've all seen it. So... uh, I guess I'll just talk about why I like the rain to make this blog a little bit longer. As I said before, it's cool in general and can possibly cause a flood, which I hope for. The harder it rains, the happier I am for some reason. I don't know why, but it just seems that way. Um... Ok, this is ridiculous. It's rain! We can't write much of a story about that. At least I can't think of a good one. Not much creativity in this "creative burst", so I'm just going to end it here before I go on a rant.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

10/15-I remember when...

I remember when I use to stand proudly, now I lay down helplessly. I remember when people use to sit on me, but now I'm alone. I'm not trying to speak in metaphors here; I'm being serious. I am a chair. Now you might be asking why am I telling you this. Is it because I'm stored away in a attic or thrown away in a junk yard? No, it's because of the bad humans. It seems like peoples' demon came out and unleashed chaos upon the innocence of this world. Anger and hatred pushed people to violence and war. A lot of good people died due to this. It was somewhere near the time of extinction for humanity when the city I sat in was bombed. Skyscrapers collapsed and citizens vanished. The force of the explosion shattered the window next to me and shoved me over. I lied sideways as I heard the screams of terror and panic die down. I was on my side for awhile,(and I still am) hoping someone would find me and set me upright. No one ever showed up. I kind of miss the warm presence of humans, even if it kind of smelled.

Friday, October 10, 2014

10/10-Pet Peeves

I have many things that annoy me. The most annoying would be other humans in general. This is not my way of saying I'm perfect. Trust me, I have my flaws. I neither say that all humans are honest to god a pain, but there are those few. For example: people that take a selfie for EVERYTHING! My house is burning down, let's take a selfie. My friend is dying but I can save him, so let's take a selfie. Let's take a selfie in the middle of a crowded hallway. It simply doesn't make sense to me. For another example: people that are too lazy to do something so they leave it for someone else to do it for them. My sister is great at doing this. Finally, last example, people that don't have the manners to say "please" or "thank you." I know several people here that can't do something that simple. I have many more examples but you see my point. These things that bother me are all caused by other humans. Really mankind, get a hold of yourself.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

10/7-The Flip Side


School has put stress on me.
I'm on the edge of insanity.
I try not to make this issue into a big deal.
Instead, I go on and keep my mouth sealed.
Even though school does suck,
I can graduate with some luck.

Older Sister:

School has been a problem for me too
But I don't know what about it I should do.
I'll just start a lot of drama, and get into fights.
I know it's stupid but who cares if it's right.
At the end of all of this, I will just drop out
And see what life without education is all about.

Monday, October 6, 2014

10/6-Persona Poem

This is Bear Grylls here,
And on this episode, I'll be surviving in the Kakadu Jungle
Let's go. (jumps out of the plane with a parachute on)
(Lands on the ground and detaches parachute) I always love that part.
Now the first things to look for in here is drinkable water,
And it doesn't seem like I can find any.
Instead, I'll just drink my own pist.
(Actually drinks it) It's salty, but it will do.
(Camera turns off) Is it off?
Good, give me a slice of that pizza then.
(Camera man refuses)
Come on, I just drank my own pist on national TV.
(Camera guy hands over a slice) Thank you!
Hurry up and finish that up though.
We're back on in 10 seconds.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

10/2-The Frog Prince

Once upon a time, there was a princess wondering the woods. She was lost within the dense forest, looking for a answer to her problem. Then she stumbled across a old broken bejeweled crown. She picked the pieces up and admired them. "Hey, those are mine. I've been trying to keep all the pieces together," said a frog hopping towards her. "Gross! You're a nasty talking frog!" screamed the princess. "Yes, I know this... Do you think you can help me?" asked the frog. "Why would I help a frog?" questioned the princess. "I maybe able to help you in return. I assume your a princess with the crown on you head," the frog pointed out. "I used to be, until my father banished me. He's afraid when I take charge, I would bring our kingdom into war with itself," stated the princess. "Maybe I can help you out with that," the frog spoke. "How would you do that?" inquired the princess. "You let me worry about that, but when I'm done you have to help me with something. You have to make your kingdoms' blacksmith restore my crown to it's former glory, and I am allowed to live with you inside your castle," said the frog. "Um... ok, but hurry," the princess commanded. The frog bounced away towards the castle. The sun fell barely above the horizon. The princess was tired and bored, but the frog them came back with good news. "It's done. You may return to the kingdom with me alongside you," the frog informed her. The princess was full of happiness. She grabbed the frog, and the pieces of the crown, and ran back to her home. On arrival, she noticed the peasants whispering and giving her dirty looks. She entered the castle and was approached by one of the knights. "All hale the princess!" the knight chanted. "I don't understand," said the princess. "Our king and queen are both dead, making you the queen of our kingdom," the knight spoke. The princess had a mixture of feelings. She pulled out the frog and asked what happened. "I killed your parents, so now your in charge. Now don't forget our little deal," the frog mentioned. The princess then handed the frog off to the knight and ordered him to bring the frog and the crown to the blacksmith. She shuffled to the thrown and sat. She was shocked by her decision, but then she looked up. She saw her many servants and protectors under her command. The princess fell a surge of power through her veins. A evil grin appeared on her face. The entrance of the room then opened and came in a prince. "I'm back! The crown was fixed and my curse is broken. I have been given a second chance. Thank you princess. Now we can live and control this kingdom together," the prince said. They both got married and ruled the kingdom. The kingdom did end up in civil war just like her father predicted, but at least queen and king lived happily ever after.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

10/1-Fairy Tale Characters

"Bro, you in your house yet? The purge starts 10:00 tonight. Please tell me you'll let me in your house if mines fail to protect me. I'm a little nervous that it won't hold up man," Bacon nervously spoke through the phone. "We've done fine for the other purges. Have we not?" Mr. Porker asked. "Yeah, but that was because we were in the middle of the woods for those years. No one ever ventured out this far, but now there's the Werewolf Blood gang. They always look through the woods for a fresh kill," Bacon pointed out. "They are nothing but a punch of punk wolves. Just keep quite and you'll be fine," Mr. Porker suggested. "Can you promise me that if they break in, I can hide in your house?" Bacon requested. "Not happening. If they find you, you will lead them back to my place. Learn how to defend yourself and get your hands on a weapon. Now good bye," Mr. Porker replied. "Your my brother! Come on, help me out here," Bacon begged. "I said GOOD BYE!" Mr. Porker yelled as he slammed the phone down. "Oh crap," Bacon mumbled to himself. "Maybe Little Squealer could help me. I could use him as a offering to the wolves. No, Mr. Porker would never forgive me for that. Why does he care about him so much? I know he's family, but the little piglet can't do anything for himself," Bacon thought. Then, his TV turned on with a warning on the screen. "WARNING: purge beginning in 10 seconds," the TV read. Bacon was rushed with a feeling of panic. He slowly counted down the timer along with the TV. After the countdown reached zero, the sound of sirens roared throughout the forest. "Ok, I need a weapon and a good place to hide," Bacon planned. He observed the inside of his house. He grabbed a broom and hid behind his couch, praying that he wouldn't be noticed. Within minutes, Bacon heard a loud and sudden squeal echo from the woods. "That must be Little Squealer. The idiot shouldn't of built his house out of straw. Come to think of it, I shouldn't of built me house out of sticks," Bacon doubted himself. After, hard and swift hits on the door startled Bacon. "Open up little piggy," commanded a wolf. "I know your in there. Your little brother sold you out," the wolf mentioned. "That little snitch ratted me out," whispered Bacon. "So your house is made of sticks. I'll admit it's better than the other one. You know your little brother was a bit raw, maybe we can cook you," threatened the wolf. The house then filled with smoke. Bacon realized that they set his house on fire. "Come out little piggy," the wolf said. Bacon ran to the back door. He dashed out towards his bigger brother's house. The wolves saw this and chased him. Bacon yelled for Mr. Porker. The front door of the brick house opened with Mr. Porker standing there with his hand out. Before Bacon could reach the door, his legs were grabbed and he was dragged into the darkness. Mr. Porker quickly closed his door with terror on his face. "Hey, give up. We already got your brothers. It won't be a problem to get you too," the wolf spoke. "Get lost you rascals!" Mr. Porker screamed. "Fine then. We will break in then," the wolf said. It took a few hard bashes to knock the door off of the hinges. The wolves walked in with claws out, ready to tear into the pig. Luckily, the TV switched on with yet another warning. "WARNING: purge is now over. Crimes will be treated with authority," the TV now read. "You got lucky little pig," one of the wolves said as they all shuffled out of the house. Mr. Porker exhaled with relief. The pig was safe, but at what price?

Monday, September 29, 2014

9/29-I'm Weirded Out...

As soon as I arrived to my house, I could sense something was out of place. It was the fact that my mother left me home alone at night. What was she thinking? She left me alone at night with no notification or anything. She was gone for a long time too, long enough for me to doze off in my bed at 10:00pm. I woke up later that night and still no sign of her. She must of forgot about me or something. The street we live on isn't exactly the "best" street ever. Few murders and many break ins happen quite frequently here. On top of that, I recently heard the ISIS terrorist group has people in America beheading Americans in their own homes. Besides, when my paranoia and imagination are put together, some really scary scenarios can happen in my head. So I was freaking out when I heard rustling sounds in the kitchen. Of course, I stayed in bed. I wouldn't want to poke my neck out too far. I just sat and listened, thinking of what it could be. Maybe it was just simply the rats getting the little food we had. After awhile, I couldn't help but to go back to sleep. Once again, I woke up to a loud noise. It was my mother yelling a little naughty word I won't be saying. I guess she was angry at what she saw, so I wasn't going to waltz right out and greet her. Instead, I stayed in bed for my own safety, trying to go back to sleep. It was kind of hard to do since I was thinking what I would see the next morning.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

9/25-Big Mistake

I've made many BIG mistakes in my life, but one mistake that happened frequently is jumping the fence in gym. If you don't know, there is a metal wire fence in our gym; separating the exercise equipment from the 4-square courts behind the second floor bleachers. I jumped that last year, before they put that yellow safety thing on top of the spikey metal fence. So last year, me and a couple of friends were behind the bleachers, just throwing a ball, when some idiot decided it was a good idea to toss it over the fence and make someone else get it. I decided to be the hero, so I climbed the fence. There was no problems climbing over to the side with exercise equipment, but coming back was some how a big problem. After getting the ball, I was halfway over when my jeans caught on one of the barbed spikey things sticking out on top of the fence. For some reason my first reaction was to violently jerk away. This ripped a giant noticeable hole on the inside leg part of my jeans. When my friends saw this, they laughed on and on, not trying to help at all. Some friends they are. So I gave up and jumped back down to the side with the exercise equipment. I thought there has to be another way through the fence without telling the coaches to open the door or to rip a even bigger hole in my pants. While I was thinking, some janitor dude popped out of nowhere. He started griping at me about how I wasn't suppose to be over there and how I'm going to get a write up. My so called "friends" didn't back me up at all either. After the janitor guy (or whatever he was) opened the door, I continued the rest of the school day with a big hole in my pants.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

9/24-Endearing Quality

I have no idea what my "endearing quality" is. I don't even know what endearing quality is. I think it might be why people like to hang around me... maybe. How am I suppose to know why people like to hang around with me? Maybe they don't like hanging around me. Maybe they were alone, saw me and remembered my name, then talked to me so this so said person doesn't look like a loner. I don't know. If I did judge myself on this "endearing quality," I would think highly of my self; saying the best but most untruthful things. Instead, I'm going to be honest and just say I don't know.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

9/23-Strange Fruit

Now I have to vividly describe this picture of some sort of fruit the teacher showed us. I wish she could give the picture separately printed from the instruction so I could copy and paste this to the blog, but I guess I have to describe it to you instead. The fruit looks like a normal pink flourishing flower on the outside, but the edible fruit part is hidden beneath all the pedals. Peel off the pedals and cut the core in half. There you go, you have the quite strange fruit. It's unfamiliar to me so I'm going off a limb here to really describe it. It has a shape of a sphere and is almost completely white. There are several very small black dots scattered all over the fruit. That's all I can really say about the fruit itself. I wouldn't know how this would taste or how it's texture would feel. Maybe the fruit would smell like the flower it hides in. Who would eat this? I don't know. Someone starving in the middle of nowhere maybe. I also have no idea where the flower could come from because of its simple look. Anyone reading this is going to have to use their imagination for that part.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

9/17-Alphabet Soup

As I sit in class dealing with a weird creative burst challenge.
But why does it have to be so strict.
Creative bursts are getting hard now.
Does the teacher hate us?
Excuse me for pointing fingers here.
Getting harder to come up with clever sentences now.
How will I ever finish this?
I need to pick a clever topic.
Just one little topic.
Kit Kats?
Looney Toons?
Now I'm just saying things to fit into the alphabet.
Oh no.
Putting sense in these sentences is getting harder.
Reasonable enough.
Should I keep going though?
The last few letters are so close.
Uncertain on what I should say on the last few letters.
Viciously brutal this is.
Why do we face challenges so hard?
You know I'm improvising when I have to do what I just did.
Zero letters left!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

9/16-The Spoon's Perspective

It's the day we, the dishes and silverware, all mourn about. The day I and my fellow comrades are thrown into a machine and drowned several times. I still remember my first time going through this horrifying process. I was left, with a few others, in a sort of pit with a giant hole in the middle and a metal tentacle hanging over us, spraying us down with cold dreadful water. I was left in the pits with the other random dishes and silverware for a few weeks. Then, we all were grabbed and thrown into the machine to wait for the disaster to strike us. It finally happened with a surprise. The machine's door was closed and the room rapidly filled up with soapy waters. "I'm going to drown. Is this really how I'm going to die?" I thought to myself. Then I realized, I don't have lungs. After the machine emptied out of water, we were handled with these massive alien like hands once again, and put into separate rooms. I was never to see any of the other dishes. You would think the aliens that use us already drenched us with enough water, but they pick us up and shovel us into these retched piles of goop. Finally, putting us in their slobbery mouths, and throwing us back into the pits. Starting the process all over again.

Monday, September 15, 2014

9/15-What the Deuce?

Another creative burst about a painting. I'll admit it's not as crazy as the last painting was; at least not in the foreground. The background is a whole other story though. So get ready to get your mind blown out of your head because I'm about to describe it to you. First off, all the attention within the painting seems to be directed towards the woman wearing a red dress and holding a bunch of flowers. Seems pretty normal, right? Wrong! There is a goat playing a violin,  a floating shadowy man giving the woman a shoulder massage, a flying fish serving up some tuna, and a bunch of other stuff I can't make out. Now if this is some how normal to you, then your life got to be pretty chill or something. If this is a little weird to you, then we're on the same page. I have no idea how this one was inspired. I usually blame this kind of stuff on the drugs, but I'm getting pretty tired of using that as an excuse. Maybe this guy just wanted to paint a simple woman and thought to himself, "Well crap, there's still a ton of room left. Oh well, I'll just let my drug addicted nephew take care of it." I don't even know this guy had a nephew, but whatever, it's something else instead of the artist on drugs. That's all I can see on the picture so I guess I'm done on this blog.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

9/11-Music Critic

The song "Pumped Up Kicks" is getting more praise then needed. In my opinion, I don't consider very good. I don't know if that's because it's not my taste of music or it's just simply bad. First off, the beat seams really mellow and hippy like; that's something I don't enjoy myself. The people singing are barely understandable. I mean I barely knew what they were saying and what the song actually meant. What I could make out to be words were just repeating themselves again and again. Sorry for any of the lovers of this song, but this has to be 4/10. It's just barely below average. The song doesn't really stand out to me from the rest of those bland songs out there.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

9/9-Film Review

As a film critic I'm suppose to criticize movies, and I have been asked to review the movie "Hugo". All I have seen of this movie is the front cover though, so I have to judge it on it's cover. First thing that comes to mind is why is this kid on a clock of some sort of building? How did he get up there? Is he trying to kill himself? I actually take that last question back; the boy looks like he's holding on for his dear life. I also see this other picture in the book form of the movie. It looks like the boy is talking to his father while on a drug trip. Maybe the whole point of this movie is to not do drugs or you might end up hanging off of a giant clock. Maybe not, since all the pictures look like this is meant for children. With all I see from these pictures, it's going to be 2/10. I'm probably not going to see this movie.

Monday, September 8, 2014

9/8-America, Fairyville?

I'm going to be honest, I would prefer going back to the alien creative burst. Not saying I liked it, but I have more of a chance of writing a good story with it. Fairies? I don't really have a good grasp on the whole fantasy creature thing.. I know they're small and can fly with their wings attached to their backs, but other then that, I'm lost. They're small; so I suppose that they wouldn't have that much of a problem, since they can hide in a lot of places. They can fly so they're not just limited to walking everywhere. So there you go. If they're not captured and experimented on, they can fly and hide. Finally, how did they get here? I don't know. Maybe they just casted some bad magic and ended up in this crap hole. Sorry for the disappointment of this blog, but I'm not into the mythical fantasy stuff.

Friday, September 5, 2014

9/5-Aliens in Egypt

"Did you want to see me King Tutankhamen?" quietly asking Maia, as she entered the room. "Yes... I need to talk to you," said the mighty pharaoh. "About what my king? Are you in pain? I'll get you more medicine," she replied as she turns around to head outside the room. "No... I know I'm dying, and no medicine can help me. I believe I know what the cause of my death will be though," replied King Tut. "What could it be then? Whatever it is, I will get you all the supplies you need to cure your disease," said Maia, eager to help the king. "One question first. How far are we until the pyramid is finished?" asked King Tut. "The pyramid will be done shortly king. The slaves seem to have been building it incredibly faster," Maia answered his question. "Good, then this was not all for nothing," King Tut mumbled. "What do you mean?" his nurse asked. "Many years ago, I had a dream of the gods. They spoke to me and told me what I had to do. They said the pyramids needed to be finished so it can be my finale resting place. They also said this would tremendously help the humans in the far future. The people in the future would discover my tomb and be distracted from finding something hidden far beneath the surface. This thing the gods hid was too powerful and could destroy humanity if it fell into the wrong hands. This plan was something the gods have done many times throughout history. Then the great hand of the god touched my head and gave me a vision. In this vision, I saw death, destruction, and suffering of people. 'Don't let them find it,' the god said before he removed his hand from my head. 'You will have to sacrifice yourself to further help humanity stay alive. Do you accept?' god asked me, so I accepted. The finale words he spoke before I woke up was, 'Then we will help you with your pyramid. You will be remembered Tutankhamen.' Then I woke up. Now we're here, in the present day, with me laying on my death bed," King Tut talked as he finished up his story. "Are you saying we can't save you?" Maia asked. "Yes, it's a royal death from the gods," answered the king. "Fine my king. I will leave you in peace then," replied the nurse; she then left the room. "Thank you," King Tuts' final words were.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

9/4-Historical Accuracy

"Mother of god," Frank said with a surprised look on his face as he got of his car. "You weren't kidding Bobby. How long has it been up there?" Frank asked Bobby. "I don't know. I think this has been going on for two hours now. It's just like the movies," Bobby replied; still hypnotized at what he was seeing. "Do you think they're here to invade? Why hasn't the military done anything yet? And where's Rose?" Frank started questioning. "I think Rose is still at the Diner," Bobby replied. "Is she not seeing this madness. There is a UFO hovering above the empire state building! I need to get my baby girl!" Frank raised his voice. "Calm down. Don't you have a phone," suggesting Bobby. "Yeah, but that's at home. It would be quicker to drive to her," Frank said, heading to his automobile. "Are you coming or what?" Frank asked. "Nah, you go ahead. I'll just stay here," said Bobby. Frank entered his car and drove off. As he was heading towards the diner, he noticed a lot of people trying to get out of the city. "What in the god's name are these people doing? There's no way they're getting out by the highway." Frank mumbled to himself. He finally arrived to the diner and jumped out of the automobile. He slammed open the diner's door to be quickly hugged by Rose. "Daddy!" Rose said with excitement and relief. "What are you still doing here? Do you not know what's going on?" Frank said worryingly. "Yeah, me and the other waitresses have been listening into the radio," Rose replied, answering his question. Then, a man on the radio reporting the scene spoke. "It's amazing and frightening at the same time to see this. Hundreds of people are gathered here to witness this. Nothing seems to be happening. Nothing has happened for hours now. Wait! I think it's about to do someth-" the news reporter was interrupted by a loud constant screech. Everyone covered their ears and fell to their knees, still hearing the piercing noise. The mysterious and horrible noise continued for about a minute. The loud noise suddenly stopped and everyone began to get back up on their feet with confused expressions on. "Oh, hi honey. What was I doing here?" Frank said to Rose. "I think you were visiting me again, Daddy, but you need to get back to work before your missed," Rose replied. "Alright honey. I'll see you after work then," said Frank, finishing the conversation. Just like that, everyone just forgot everything they knew about the UFO, and continued with their normal lives in the city of New York.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

9/3-News Paper Re-write

We have all heard about the recent Ebola disease outbreak in the west side of Africa. 694 are now dead in Liberia; not counting the other countries. The World Health Organization’s doctors have been doing their best to cure the virus but with no prevail.

Just a few weeks ago, a few of the infected patients were brought back to the US for further testing. Last night, one of the patients disappeared from the laboratories; leaving no trace of where he could be right now. Some of the other patients told their story of what they saw. Some confessed it was his plan the entire time; to break out of the laboratory to infect Americans. The others said that they never knew of him.

Now arguments are suggesting that Liberia could have taken advantage of the disease to infect and weaken America. Is Liberia planning to have war with us? If so, what other countries have teamed up with them? Why would they attack us? Could this possibly be the beginning of World War 3? Many questions are being asked but there are no answers yet.

We need the patient back into medical care as soon as possible. The patient is:

-         male

-         black

-         6 feet and 2 inches

-         shaved head

-         wearing a hospital gown

-         and might be around the New Mexico area

Please contact the police if you see this man. Stay away and do not make any body contact with him. Thank you, and stay safe.

Friday, August 29, 2014

8/29-Two Moons

"I believe it was just a few days ago since the storm hit us. I can't tell anymore. We started our research on August 22, but after the storm, I can see two moons in the sky. I thought this was suppose to happen on August 29. Have we really been down under that long? A whole week stuck at the bottom of the ocean. After the storm, our submarine is barely holding together. Our equipment is malfunctioning and a few of the subs' rooms are flooded. We have several injured onboard and not enough medical supplies. Food and clean water is very limited. I can't tell what our coordination are. If anyone gets this, please track the signal back to us. This is Dr. Trevor, signing out." Trevor puts the radio down and sighs with disappointment. "Any luck?" said Mr. Williams, as he entered the room. "None; we need to fix some of this equipment though." Trevor suggested. "We would've already if we could find our engineer," Williams replied, as if he'd already said it before. "You're our lead security officer. Get some of your men and start searching for him. Don't stop until you find him or his dead body!" Trevor started to yell. "Look, you might of been put in charge of this operation, but we have more important things to worry about, like the other starving and injured doctors. You would know about it if you would get out of this room. I guess I will just have to help them," Williams stated, as he walked out of the room. "Yeah, you do that," Trevor mumbled to himself. Then, he picked up the radio and broadcasted once again. Lost and confused, he would not stop until someone picked up.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

8/28-Space, 2199

     "Nora! Get over here. Look at this," Dr. Nelson said, trying to get the attention of his partner. "What is it? Did you find the solution to our issue?" asked Dr. Nora. "No, but I found another problem to add to our troubles," Dr. Nelson replied with disappointment. Nora walked over to Nelson and looked out the window. "The whole space station is going to burn down into flames if we don't hurry up. Everyone in each of the sectors are throwing a riot. Just from yesterday, they've pushed up another block closer to the laboratory. What a bunch of idiots! Don't they see we are trying to solve the situation," Dr. Nelson raised his voice with anger. "These people are angry and scared that they were the only few selected to aboard the space station. Their loved ones are left back on Earth to be torn apart by the Milky Way's black hole. We simply don't have the room to store the whole human population, and we can't let them off because if we don't find a answer, we are going to need as many people as we can to reproduce and start the human race over once again. This is the reaction we expected to get from them, sir," Dr. Nora informed him. "Don't you think I know that. It's just, we don't have the money or time to save the entire galaxy right away. These people need to be patient... I really hope the martial law can keep the citizens back for a few more weeks," Dr. Nelson spoke quietly. Both of the doctors quietly stared down at the city. Then, Dr. Nora broke the silence and blurted, "Look. There's Hank Vulture, getting through the city without a scratch," she pointed out, "He has the money for bodyguards and nice cars, but not enough to help us out. I really hate that guy." "You just don't like him because he won't fund the project. I don't like him because he's a heartless, spoiled rich, idiotic, jerk," Dr. Nelson listed off the reasons he disliked Hank. "Well, let's get back to work. Should I tell the other scientists to double time it?" Dr. Nora requested calmly. "It's best if you do," Dr. Nelson said, finishing off the conversation. Both the doctors turned away from the window and walked back to their stations.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

8/27-Animal Inventions

What about this for a invention. We build a machine that works kind of like the Radiotrophic fungi. It's not exactly a animal but it lives, eats, grows, and reproduces like one. For anyone that doesn't know about it, the fungus eats away on radiation to grow itself. So why don't we build a machine that does something like that but bigger and works faster. This could be very useful when the world goes over the edge and starts a nuclear war. Or we could clean the areas that are already poisoned with radiation like Chernobyl. This would make some areas livable again and get rid of any threats of radiation. Of course, this wouldn't be able to stop a nuke explosion, but it would be able stop the radiation that comes after it. This is a great idea. Can someone please tell me why we aren't funding this!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


I listen to mainly just rap. Mostly upbeat kind of hip hop. I don't have any favorite rappers because I couldn't really care less about the artist their selves. It's the song itself that I actually care about. But a lot of the songs I have come from people like Eminem, Lil' Wayne, 2 Chainz, and a few other artists I just can't remember the names of. And I know I'm suppose to be describing the feeling of me being in a concert but I've never been to one. So instead, I'll just push the boundaries and feel this blog up with music I like to hear. Which I already did so... yeah.

Monday, August 25, 2014

8/25-Literary Character

I don't read many books, if any. I also don't watch many movies either. But I honestly wouldn't want any character to be brought to life anyway. What's the point? Many of the movies I've watched, or books I had to read, already put these characters into our modern time. Also, I can barely recall any of these characters that aren't in the time period we are in now. I can't remember their names or the way they even looked. So this blog is going to be a short one since I don't remember any characters that weren't put into the 21st already.

Friday, August 22, 2014

8/22-Wacky Words

I was given these two words: water-skiing and Red Solo Cup. I first thought Red Solo Cup was a drinking game, then later found out Red Solo Cup is country song. It's about a cup company that makes red solo cups. It's like these people are scraping the bottom for song ideas now a days. So that just blew away my drunken water-skiing guy idea. Now I'm a little lost. I understand what water-skiing is; it's just how I could I combine these two words (water-skiing & Red Solo Cup) into a good story? I suppose I could write a story about a guy who got these two random words, which were Red Solo Cup and water-skiing, and was told to write a story with those words included in it. He also has to use them ten times each. By then, he could've wrote Red Solo Cup and water-skiing down about ten times in a row, but he decided to write a true story instead. This story talks about him not understanding what water-skiing and Red Solo Cup is. I take that back, he actually does know what water-skiing was. He also says how he could never combine both Red Solo Cup and water-skiing into one pretty nice short story. I hope he knows what he's going to name this story. I hope it's, "Red Solo Cup & Water-skiing" because this is all he talks about. If you want to read this story I wrote for your self, then just start back up top.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

8/21- Mystery Lady

I'm looking at this picture from some artist dude and I am really confused. It's a painting of a woman sitting in a chair, I guess. I think there is like a horse popping out the side of head and the woman's hair is the horse's mane... maybe. She's got some claws so I guess she could be a monster, or she just really needs to cut her nails. Why am I referring to it as a woman? It could be a dude for all know. I see some sort of flag in the background, but I don't know what it stands for. She/he is wearing some sort of patched up clothing and rags. There is some kind of animal in the background. I say this because I have know idea if this is suppose to be a dog, cat, or maybe it's not even a animal. The person in the picture is also wearing a island for a hat. HOLD UP! I would like to know how this was considered art! Who painted this? Where they on drugs? These are questions I don't think any one will ever know so I am done because this painting is giving me a headache.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

8/20-Alter Ego

I slowly wake up to a weird, loud noise coming from my living room. Since it was a Christmas eve night I knew what to expect, and I was right, but Santa wasn't what I thought he would be like. Instead of coming through chimney, he broke down our front door with a crowbar. This strange Santa quickly turned and looked at me. "What up bruh bruh," he said to me. "Who are you?" I asked him. "Who do you think I am, cous'. I'm your home boy Santa Clause." After he replied, he reached into his shady red dyed trench coat and threw me a present which were more disappointing then I thought they would be. "Here's them new jays you wanted. Yeah, someone 'donated' them to me." The shoes were old and torn up crocs with cloth patches sown on them to cover up the gaping holes in them. "And here's that lil' ninja sword thing you wanted too," he said as he tossed it to me. It honestly seemed like some broken off scissor blades that were duct taped onto a tree branch. "Well, I'm done in this joint so I'm out!" Before he left I asked a question I've had on my mind for a long time. "Santa, how do you travel all over the world to give presents to the other kids?" He replied with "I'm actually a child in a family of 16 children. So my little homies are giving some Christmas love to the other bros right now. It might take them a while though since we don't have the dough to buy some plane tickets, so they gotta swim." At last, he turned around and left, shouting, "Merry freakiin' Christmas lil' dude, and go back to bed before yo mama catch ya!"

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

8/19-Scariest Place

It's an very old and big building that no one knows what it's true original purpose was, so it's just referred to as the "Slaughter House." It stands tall and sturdy in the middle of a dense, foggy forest with no signs of civilizations around for miles. The Slaughter House is a plain looking concrete brick building with boarded up windows. Rumors say that some paranormal being lives within it, and this thing can capture any living form of life that enters. With these rumors spreading, people run into the building to either prove there's nothing there, to prove their bravery, to loot anything within it, or just simply to impress someone. Not one of those people ever came out. On the inside of the Slaughter House, there are corridors upon corridors, rooms upon rooms, and floors upon floors. It's like a never ending maze. All the floors are smooth concrete and the walls are solid center blocks. Every door is made up of rotting oak wood and at times you can pass a door still locked after all these years. There are absolutely no working lights within the structure, so travelers have to adventure in with some sort of light source to guide them. The entrance looks like any other door within the building, and it will lock itself once someone's inside. The hallways can occasionally fill up with a chilly gust of wind with a feeling of someone watching you. It is also completely odorless inside the mysterious building. A shadowy form of a man can also be spotted at the far ends of these corridors, but it fades away when people shuffle towards it. No one could see the face of the monster fully. This ghost tends to silently run towards anyone that is alone and looking in the opposite direction of him. Once the ghost is in arms reach, the traveler and the ghost both disappear and never to be seen again. There have been people that try to escape this nightmare, but no one can escape the Slaughter House.

Friday, August 15, 2014


Even though, I can't recall many things that happened in my kindergarten year, I can vaguely remember the bundle of emotions I felt that day. It was a mixture of fear, excitement, and overall just feeling like an idiot over the dumb things I did. I was told terrible things about school from my older sister, like if I'm not smart enough I'll fail in everything and never get a good life. Also, she told me about these "bullies" that would beat people up and how teachers were unfair and failed you if they didn't like you. So yeah, it was pretty terrifying to say the least, and that was all I knew about it when I was first dropped off  at school. But the day got better as I lightened up when I met my teacher and met other horrified people that were scared of school just like me. Everything was pretty good for that year until I grew up and started entering higher grade levels. By then, that's when my educational brain plane crashed and burned. That's another story though, and that's pretty much all I can recover from my kindergarten year.

Thursday, August 14, 2014


I chose my cats to write about. There is not much to talk about them so I'll just answer the questions asked. I don't know how they see things, probably something else to trash. I'm pretty sure they can't talk. They get along with each other, so I guess that's good. They can do some pretty funny things so yeah, I guess the got a good sense of humor. They are black cats with some random patches of white spots scattered across them. So I guess I'm done because that's all the questions.

8/14-Gross Foods

Being the picky eater I am, I can name off several foods I just demise of. But since we don't have lots of time here I'll just name off categories instead. Fruits, I don't understand how some people can eat those. I personally hate the flavor and the texture of just about every fruit I've tried. The same goes with a whole lot of the vegetables I've tasted. Also, some bizarre meats can be disgusting as well. It's hard for me to just narrow down my opinion on one food that I think is gross. So I pretty much named off everything on the food pyramid but, like I said, not that big of a fan on all the variety of foods there are out there.