Friday, November 7, 2014

11/7-Ewww...That's Creepy

Think...think...think. All the things to think about. It's got to be creepy but not scary. Let's think together, shall we? Many things can be creepy to some but not to others. For example, clowns might scare few, but not the rest. Think...think...think. So much to create, and so much to destroy. Diseases, murder, and suffering. How about the mind of the insane? That's unsettling enough. On the outside they might just look like maniacs, but what could be going on in their mind? Maybe it is a constant reminder of the dark sins they've committed. It could be a terrible event in the past that they experienced, and it just plays in their head again and again. Maybe... just maybe... they are on the edge of insanity. Anyone can be. The people you walk by in the halls, the people that ride your bus, or the people you sit by could all instantly snap. One moment can be normal as the next can be tragic. We've all been pushed to the edge; it's only a matter of time before we jump. How about you? Have you jumped yet? Or are you just hiding it?  Are you refusing to accept the madness? You know it's creeping up on you. Every second brings you closer to it. Let's be honest, you've thought it would be easy to "remove" that one person that always causes problems, or it would be easier if things went your way. You just have one simple choice to make, but what would the others think of you. Would you care? Of course you would. Even if we say we deny the opinions of others, we truly don't. You take a step closer to the cliff of the insane everyday. Before you know it, you've become one of the lunatics locked up in the asylums.  Like I said before, it's only a matter of time before we plummet into the realm of insanity.

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