Tuesday, November 18, 2014

11/18-Treason & Historical Fiction

There's a deadly war raging across the states between two rival gangs: the Supreme Cult and the Rebels. Both gangs fight for their beliefs and their greed for power. It's basically a second civil war within the United States. The authorities don't really bother getting involved into the fight because of the extreme power both gangs have. The Eastside of the country belongs to the Supreme Cult as the Westside belongs to the Rebels. Fights happened constantly because gang members wanted control over the states. Our scene is set in Texas. Where it is not confirmed who owns it, but it might be shortly. "Hello? Are you still up for the deal or not?" read the computer screen as. "Yes, the Supreme Cult can really use this state for a major funding," replied the cultist. The rebel read this and typed, "Good, here's the plan. I'll set some explosives up, detonate them, and watch my gang pull out of the state." "Sounds good, and in return, we will pay you $250,000," said the cultist. "Deal! I'll plant the bombs tomorrow. Remember to get your people to put pressure on my people when the bombs go off. The rebels won't be able to stand their ground and will be forced to retreat," typed the rebel. "Will do. We will be waiting," the cultist responded. The mysterious rebel turned off his computer and got to work on the bombs right away. By tomorrow morning, all the explosives were ready to arm. He didn't get any sleep that night, but it didn't effect him one bit. He dressed up in his rebel outfit and headed out. He drove to the locations he planned on blowing up. On his way to the first location, the road in front of him was blocked off by rebel cars. He instantly realized what was going on, so he tried to back up but was cut off by more rebel cars. He accepted his defeat and crawled out of his car. One of the Rebel's lieutenants hopped out of the car in front of the traitorous rebel. The lieutenant pulled out a handgun and pointed it to the traitor. "You almost got away with it. You do know we are informed when one of our own boys are negotiating with our enemies, right? What did you plan on doing after you got the money? You think you can just get paid and then have nothing to worry about? We really need this state and you know that. We already have California, but when we get Texas too, we will become the richest gang. You just had to put that in jeopardy," shouted the lieutenant. The traitor opened his mouth to speak, but was shot in the head before he could. "I don't have time for excuses," said the lieutenant. He then turned away from the traitors dead body and walked back to his car. He pulled out his cellphone and called someone. "The traitor has been executed. Now let's get back to dealing with the cult," spoke the lieutenant as he got back into his car.

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