Tuesday, September 9, 2014

9/9-Film Review

As a film critic I'm suppose to criticize movies, and I have been asked to review the movie "Hugo". All I have seen of this movie is the front cover though, so I have to judge it on it's cover. First thing that comes to mind is why is this kid on a clock of some sort of building? How did he get up there? Is he trying to kill himself? I actually take that last question back; the boy looks like he's holding on for his dear life. I also see this other picture in the book form of the movie. It looks like the boy is talking to his father while on a drug trip. Maybe the whole point of this movie is to not do drugs or you might end up hanging off of a giant clock. Maybe not, since all the pictures look like this is meant for children. With all I see from these pictures, it's going to be 2/10. I'm probably not going to see this movie.

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