Wednesday, October 1, 2014

10/1-Fairy Tale Characters

"Bro, you in your house yet? The purge starts 10:00 tonight. Please tell me you'll let me in your house if mines fail to protect me. I'm a little nervous that it won't hold up man," Bacon nervously spoke through the phone. "We've done fine for the other purges. Have we not?" Mr. Porker asked. "Yeah, but that was because we were in the middle of the woods for those years. No one ever ventured out this far, but now there's the Werewolf Blood gang. They always look through the woods for a fresh kill," Bacon pointed out. "They are nothing but a punch of punk wolves. Just keep quite and you'll be fine," Mr. Porker suggested. "Can you promise me that if they break in, I can hide in your house?" Bacon requested. "Not happening. If they find you, you will lead them back to my place. Learn how to defend yourself and get your hands on a weapon. Now good bye," Mr. Porker replied. "Your my brother! Come on, help me out here," Bacon begged. "I said GOOD BYE!" Mr. Porker yelled as he slammed the phone down. "Oh crap," Bacon mumbled to himself. "Maybe Little Squealer could help me. I could use him as a offering to the wolves. No, Mr. Porker would never forgive me for that. Why does he care about him so much? I know he's family, but the little piglet can't do anything for himself," Bacon thought. Then, his TV turned on with a warning on the screen. "WARNING: purge beginning in 10 seconds," the TV read. Bacon was rushed with a feeling of panic. He slowly counted down the timer along with the TV. After the countdown reached zero, the sound of sirens roared throughout the forest. "Ok, I need a weapon and a good place to hide," Bacon planned. He observed the inside of his house. He grabbed a broom and hid behind his couch, praying that he wouldn't be noticed. Within minutes, Bacon heard a loud and sudden squeal echo from the woods. "That must be Little Squealer. The idiot shouldn't of built his house out of straw. Come to think of it, I shouldn't of built me house out of sticks," Bacon doubted himself. After, hard and swift hits on the door startled Bacon. "Open up little piggy," commanded a wolf. "I know your in there. Your little brother sold you out," the wolf mentioned. "That little snitch ratted me out," whispered Bacon. "So your house is made of sticks. I'll admit it's better than the other one. You know your little brother was a bit raw, maybe we can cook you," threatened the wolf. The house then filled with smoke. Bacon realized that they set his house on fire. "Come out little piggy," the wolf said. Bacon ran to the back door. He dashed out towards his bigger brother's house. The wolves saw this and chased him. Bacon yelled for Mr. Porker. The front door of the brick house opened with Mr. Porker standing there with his hand out. Before Bacon could reach the door, his legs were grabbed and he was dragged into the darkness. Mr. Porker quickly closed his door with terror on his face. "Hey, give up. We already got your brothers. It won't be a problem to get you too," the wolf spoke. "Get lost you rascals!" Mr. Porker screamed. "Fine then. We will break in then," the wolf said. It took a few hard bashes to knock the door off of the hinges. The wolves walked in with claws out, ready to tear into the pig. Luckily, the TV switched on with yet another warning. "WARNING: purge is now over. Crimes will be treated with authority," the TV now read. "You got lucky little pig," one of the wolves said as they all shuffled out of the house. Mr. Porker exhaled with relief. The pig was safe, but at what price?

1 comment:

  1. I really love how you wrote this! It was amazing! And I don't think it can get any better.
