Monday, September 29, 2014

9/29-I'm Weirded Out...

As soon as I arrived to my house, I could sense something was out of place. It was the fact that my mother left me home alone at night. What was she thinking? She left me alone at night with no notification or anything. She was gone for a long time too, long enough for me to doze off in my bed at 10:00pm. I woke up later that night and still no sign of her. She must of forgot about me or something. The street we live on isn't exactly the "best" street ever. Few murders and many break ins happen quite frequently here. On top of that, I recently heard the ISIS terrorist group has people in America beheading Americans in their own homes. Besides, when my paranoia and imagination are put together, some really scary scenarios can happen in my head. So I was freaking out when I heard rustling sounds in the kitchen. Of course, I stayed in bed. I wouldn't want to poke my neck out too far. I just sat and listened, thinking of what it could be. Maybe it was just simply the rats getting the little food we had. After awhile, I couldn't help but to go back to sleep. Once again, I woke up to a loud noise. It was my mother yelling a little naughty word I won't be saying. I guess she was angry at what she saw, so I wasn't going to waltz right out and greet her. Instead, I stayed in bed for my own safety, trying to go back to sleep. It was kind of hard to do since I was thinking what I would see the next morning.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

9/25-Big Mistake

I've made many BIG mistakes in my life, but one mistake that happened frequently is jumping the fence in gym. If you don't know, there is a metal wire fence in our gym; separating the exercise equipment from the 4-square courts behind the second floor bleachers. I jumped that last year, before they put that yellow safety thing on top of the spikey metal fence. So last year, me and a couple of friends were behind the bleachers, just throwing a ball, when some idiot decided it was a good idea to toss it over the fence and make someone else get it. I decided to be the hero, so I climbed the fence. There was no problems climbing over to the side with exercise equipment, but coming back was some how a big problem. After getting the ball, I was halfway over when my jeans caught on one of the barbed spikey things sticking out on top of the fence. For some reason my first reaction was to violently jerk away. This ripped a giant noticeable hole on the inside leg part of my jeans. When my friends saw this, they laughed on and on, not trying to help at all. Some friends they are. So I gave up and jumped back down to the side with the exercise equipment. I thought there has to be another way through the fence without telling the coaches to open the door or to rip a even bigger hole in my pants. While I was thinking, some janitor dude popped out of nowhere. He started griping at me about how I wasn't suppose to be over there and how I'm going to get a write up. My so called "friends" didn't back me up at all either. After the janitor guy (or whatever he was) opened the door, I continued the rest of the school day with a big hole in my pants.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

9/24-Endearing Quality

I have no idea what my "endearing quality" is. I don't even know what endearing quality is. I think it might be why people like to hang around me... maybe. How am I suppose to know why people like to hang around with me? Maybe they don't like hanging around me. Maybe they were alone, saw me and remembered my name, then talked to me so this so said person doesn't look like a loner. I don't know. If I did judge myself on this "endearing quality," I would think highly of my self; saying the best but most untruthful things. Instead, I'm going to be honest and just say I don't know.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

9/23-Strange Fruit

Now I have to vividly describe this picture of some sort of fruit the teacher showed us. I wish she could give the picture separately printed from the instruction so I could copy and paste this to the blog, but I guess I have to describe it to you instead. The fruit looks like a normal pink flourishing flower on the outside, but the edible fruit part is hidden beneath all the pedals. Peel off the pedals and cut the core in half. There you go, you have the quite strange fruit. It's unfamiliar to me so I'm going off a limb here to really describe it. It has a shape of a sphere and is almost completely white. There are several very small black dots scattered all over the fruit. That's all I can really say about the fruit itself. I wouldn't know how this would taste or how it's texture would feel. Maybe the fruit would smell like the flower it hides in. Who would eat this? I don't know. Someone starving in the middle of nowhere maybe. I also have no idea where the flower could come from because of its simple look. Anyone reading this is going to have to use their imagination for that part.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

9/17-Alphabet Soup

As I sit in class dealing with a weird creative burst challenge.
But why does it have to be so strict.
Creative bursts are getting hard now.
Does the teacher hate us?
Excuse me for pointing fingers here.
Getting harder to come up with clever sentences now.
How will I ever finish this?
I need to pick a clever topic.
Just one little topic.
Kit Kats?
Looney Toons?
Now I'm just saying things to fit into the alphabet.
Oh no.
Putting sense in these sentences is getting harder.
Reasonable enough.
Should I keep going though?
The last few letters are so close.
Uncertain on what I should say on the last few letters.
Viciously brutal this is.
Why do we face challenges so hard?
You know I'm improvising when I have to do what I just did.
Zero letters left!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

9/16-The Spoon's Perspective

It's the day we, the dishes and silverware, all mourn about. The day I and my fellow comrades are thrown into a machine and drowned several times. I still remember my first time going through this horrifying process. I was left, with a few others, in a sort of pit with a giant hole in the middle and a metal tentacle hanging over us, spraying us down with cold dreadful water. I was left in the pits with the other random dishes and silverware for a few weeks. Then, we all were grabbed and thrown into the machine to wait for the disaster to strike us. It finally happened with a surprise. The machine's door was closed and the room rapidly filled up with soapy waters. "I'm going to drown. Is this really how I'm going to die?" I thought to myself. Then I realized, I don't have lungs. After the machine emptied out of water, we were handled with these massive alien like hands once again, and put into separate rooms. I was never to see any of the other dishes. You would think the aliens that use us already drenched us with enough water, but they pick us up and shovel us into these retched piles of goop. Finally, putting us in their slobbery mouths, and throwing us back into the pits. Starting the process all over again.

Monday, September 15, 2014

9/15-What the Deuce?

Another creative burst about a painting. I'll admit it's not as crazy as the last painting was; at least not in the foreground. The background is a whole other story though. So get ready to get your mind blown out of your head because I'm about to describe it to you. First off, all the attention within the painting seems to be directed towards the woman wearing a red dress and holding a bunch of flowers. Seems pretty normal, right? Wrong! There is a goat playing a violin,  a floating shadowy man giving the woman a shoulder massage, a flying fish serving up some tuna, and a bunch of other stuff I can't make out. Now if this is some how normal to you, then your life got to be pretty chill or something. If this is a little weird to you, then we're on the same page. I have no idea how this one was inspired. I usually blame this kind of stuff on the drugs, but I'm getting pretty tired of using that as an excuse. Maybe this guy just wanted to paint a simple woman and thought to himself, "Well crap, there's still a ton of room left. Oh well, I'll just let my drug addicted nephew take care of it." I don't even know this guy had a nephew, but whatever, it's something else instead of the artist on drugs. That's all I can see on the picture so I guess I'm done on this blog.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

9/11-Music Critic

The song "Pumped Up Kicks" is getting more praise then needed. In my opinion, I don't consider very good. I don't know if that's because it's not my taste of music or it's just simply bad. First off, the beat seams really mellow and hippy like; that's something I don't enjoy myself. The people singing are barely understandable. I mean I barely knew what they were saying and what the song actually meant. What I could make out to be words were just repeating themselves again and again. Sorry for any of the lovers of this song, but this has to be 4/10. It's just barely below average. The song doesn't really stand out to me from the rest of those bland songs out there.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

9/9-Film Review

As a film critic I'm suppose to criticize movies, and I have been asked to review the movie "Hugo". All I have seen of this movie is the front cover though, so I have to judge it on it's cover. First thing that comes to mind is why is this kid on a clock of some sort of building? How did he get up there? Is he trying to kill himself? I actually take that last question back; the boy looks like he's holding on for his dear life. I also see this other picture in the book form of the movie. It looks like the boy is talking to his father while on a drug trip. Maybe the whole point of this movie is to not do drugs or you might end up hanging off of a giant clock. Maybe not, since all the pictures look like this is meant for children. With all I see from these pictures, it's going to be 2/10. I'm probably not going to see this movie.

Monday, September 8, 2014

9/8-America, Fairyville?

I'm going to be honest, I would prefer going back to the alien creative burst. Not saying I liked it, but I have more of a chance of writing a good story with it. Fairies? I don't really have a good grasp on the whole fantasy creature thing.. I know they're small and can fly with their wings attached to their backs, but other then that, I'm lost. They're small; so I suppose that they wouldn't have that much of a problem, since they can hide in a lot of places. They can fly so they're not just limited to walking everywhere. So there you go. If they're not captured and experimented on, they can fly and hide. Finally, how did they get here? I don't know. Maybe they just casted some bad magic and ended up in this crap hole. Sorry for the disappointment of this blog, but I'm not into the mythical fantasy stuff.

Friday, September 5, 2014

9/5-Aliens in Egypt

"Did you want to see me King Tutankhamen?" quietly asking Maia, as she entered the room. "Yes... I need to talk to you," said the mighty pharaoh. "About what my king? Are you in pain? I'll get you more medicine," she replied as she turns around to head outside the room. "No... I know I'm dying, and no medicine can help me. I believe I know what the cause of my death will be though," replied King Tut. "What could it be then? Whatever it is, I will get you all the supplies you need to cure your disease," said Maia, eager to help the king. "One question first. How far are we until the pyramid is finished?" asked King Tut. "The pyramid will be done shortly king. The slaves seem to have been building it incredibly faster," Maia answered his question. "Good, then this was not all for nothing," King Tut mumbled. "What do you mean?" his nurse asked. "Many years ago, I had a dream of the gods. They spoke to me and told me what I had to do. They said the pyramids needed to be finished so it can be my finale resting place. They also said this would tremendously help the humans in the far future. The people in the future would discover my tomb and be distracted from finding something hidden far beneath the surface. This thing the gods hid was too powerful and could destroy humanity if it fell into the wrong hands. This plan was something the gods have done many times throughout history. Then the great hand of the god touched my head and gave me a vision. In this vision, I saw death, destruction, and suffering of people. 'Don't let them find it,' the god said before he removed his hand from my head. 'You will have to sacrifice yourself to further help humanity stay alive. Do you accept?' god asked me, so I accepted. The finale words he spoke before I woke up was, 'Then we will help you with your pyramid. You will be remembered Tutankhamen.' Then I woke up. Now we're here, in the present day, with me laying on my death bed," King Tut talked as he finished up his story. "Are you saying we can't save you?" Maia asked. "Yes, it's a royal death from the gods," answered the king. "Fine my king. I will leave you in peace then," replied the nurse; she then left the room. "Thank you," King Tuts' final words were.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

9/4-Historical Accuracy

"Mother of god," Frank said with a surprised look on his face as he got of his car. "You weren't kidding Bobby. How long has it been up there?" Frank asked Bobby. "I don't know. I think this has been going on for two hours now. It's just like the movies," Bobby replied; still hypnotized at what he was seeing. "Do you think they're here to invade? Why hasn't the military done anything yet? And where's Rose?" Frank started questioning. "I think Rose is still at the Diner," Bobby replied. "Is she not seeing this madness. There is a UFO hovering above the empire state building! I need to get my baby girl!" Frank raised his voice. "Calm down. Don't you have a phone," suggesting Bobby. "Yeah, but that's at home. It would be quicker to drive to her," Frank said, heading to his automobile. "Are you coming or what?" Frank asked. "Nah, you go ahead. I'll just stay here," said Bobby. Frank entered his car and drove off. As he was heading towards the diner, he noticed a lot of people trying to get out of the city. "What in the god's name are these people doing? There's no way they're getting out by the highway." Frank mumbled to himself. He finally arrived to the diner and jumped out of the automobile. He slammed open the diner's door to be quickly hugged by Rose. "Daddy!" Rose said with excitement and relief. "What are you still doing here? Do you not know what's going on?" Frank said worryingly. "Yeah, me and the other waitresses have been listening into the radio," Rose replied, answering his question. Then, a man on the radio reporting the scene spoke. "It's amazing and frightening at the same time to see this. Hundreds of people are gathered here to witness this. Nothing seems to be happening. Nothing has happened for hours now. Wait! I think it's about to do someth-" the news reporter was interrupted by a loud constant screech. Everyone covered their ears and fell to their knees, still hearing the piercing noise. The mysterious and horrible noise continued for about a minute. The loud noise suddenly stopped and everyone began to get back up on their feet with confused expressions on. "Oh, hi honey. What was I doing here?" Frank said to Rose. "I think you were visiting me again, Daddy, but you need to get back to work before your missed," Rose replied. "Alright honey. I'll see you after work then," said Frank, finishing the conversation. Just like that, everyone just forgot everything they knew about the UFO, and continued with their normal lives in the city of New York.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

9/3-News Paper Re-write

We have all heard about the recent Ebola disease outbreak in the west side of Africa. 694 are now dead in Liberia; not counting the other countries. The World Health Organization’s doctors have been doing their best to cure the virus but with no prevail.

Just a few weeks ago, a few of the infected patients were brought back to the US for further testing. Last night, one of the patients disappeared from the laboratories; leaving no trace of where he could be right now. Some of the other patients told their story of what they saw. Some confessed it was his plan the entire time; to break out of the laboratory to infect Americans. The others said that they never knew of him.

Now arguments are suggesting that Liberia could have taken advantage of the disease to infect and weaken America. Is Liberia planning to have war with us? If so, what other countries have teamed up with them? Why would they attack us? Could this possibly be the beginning of World War 3? Many questions are being asked but there are no answers yet.

We need the patient back into medical care as soon as possible. The patient is:

-         male

-         black

-         6 feet and 2 inches

-         shaved head

-         wearing a hospital gown

-         and might be around the New Mexico area

Please contact the police if you see this man. Stay away and do not make any body contact with him. Thank you, and stay safe.