Friday, August 29, 2014

8/29-Two Moons

"I believe it was just a few days ago since the storm hit us. I can't tell anymore. We started our research on August 22, but after the storm, I can see two moons in the sky. I thought this was suppose to happen on August 29. Have we really been down under that long? A whole week stuck at the bottom of the ocean. After the storm, our submarine is barely holding together. Our equipment is malfunctioning and a few of the subs' rooms are flooded. We have several injured onboard and not enough medical supplies. Food and clean water is very limited. I can't tell what our coordination are. If anyone gets this, please track the signal back to us. This is Dr. Trevor, signing out." Trevor puts the radio down and sighs with disappointment. "Any luck?" said Mr. Williams, as he entered the room. "None; we need to fix some of this equipment though." Trevor suggested. "We would've already if we could find our engineer," Williams replied, as if he'd already said it before. "You're our lead security officer. Get some of your men and start searching for him. Don't stop until you find him or his dead body!" Trevor started to yell. "Look, you might of been put in charge of this operation, but we have more important things to worry about, like the other starving and injured doctors. You would know about it if you would get out of this room. I guess I will just have to help them," Williams stated, as he walked out of the room. "Yeah, you do that," Trevor mumbled to himself. Then, he picked up the radio and broadcasted once again. Lost and confused, he would not stop until someone picked up.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

8/28-Space, 2199

     "Nora! Get over here. Look at this," Dr. Nelson said, trying to get the attention of his partner. "What is it? Did you find the solution to our issue?" asked Dr. Nora. "No, but I found another problem to add to our troubles," Dr. Nelson replied with disappointment. Nora walked over to Nelson and looked out the window. "The whole space station is going to burn down into flames if we don't hurry up. Everyone in each of the sectors are throwing a riot. Just from yesterday, they've pushed up another block closer to the laboratory. What a bunch of idiots! Don't they see we are trying to solve the situation," Dr. Nelson raised his voice with anger. "These people are angry and scared that they were the only few selected to aboard the space station. Their loved ones are left back on Earth to be torn apart by the Milky Way's black hole. We simply don't have the room to store the whole human population, and we can't let them off because if we don't find a answer, we are going to need as many people as we can to reproduce and start the human race over once again. This is the reaction we expected to get from them, sir," Dr. Nora informed him. "Don't you think I know that. It's just, we don't have the money or time to save the entire galaxy right away. These people need to be patient... I really hope the martial law can keep the citizens back for a few more weeks," Dr. Nelson spoke quietly. Both of the doctors quietly stared down at the city. Then, Dr. Nora broke the silence and blurted, "Look. There's Hank Vulture, getting through the city without a scratch," she pointed out, "He has the money for bodyguards and nice cars, but not enough to help us out. I really hate that guy." "You just don't like him because he won't fund the project. I don't like him because he's a heartless, spoiled rich, idiotic, jerk," Dr. Nelson listed off the reasons he disliked Hank. "Well, let's get back to work. Should I tell the other scientists to double time it?" Dr. Nora requested calmly. "It's best if you do," Dr. Nelson said, finishing off the conversation. Both the doctors turned away from the window and walked back to their stations.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

8/27-Animal Inventions

What about this for a invention. We build a machine that works kind of like the Radiotrophic fungi. It's not exactly a animal but it lives, eats, grows, and reproduces like one. For anyone that doesn't know about it, the fungus eats away on radiation to grow itself. So why don't we build a machine that does something like that but bigger and works faster. This could be very useful when the world goes over the edge and starts a nuclear war. Or we could clean the areas that are already poisoned with radiation like Chernobyl. This would make some areas livable again and get rid of any threats of radiation. Of course, this wouldn't be able to stop a nuke explosion, but it would be able stop the radiation that comes after it. This is a great idea. Can someone please tell me why we aren't funding this!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


I listen to mainly just rap. Mostly upbeat kind of hip hop. I don't have any favorite rappers because I couldn't really care less about the artist their selves. It's the song itself that I actually care about. But a lot of the songs I have come from people like Eminem, Lil' Wayne, 2 Chainz, and a few other artists I just can't remember the names of. And I know I'm suppose to be describing the feeling of me being in a concert but I've never been to one. So instead, I'll just push the boundaries and feel this blog up with music I like to hear. Which I already did so... yeah.

Monday, August 25, 2014

8/25-Literary Character

I don't read many books, if any. I also don't watch many movies either. But I honestly wouldn't want any character to be brought to life anyway. What's the point? Many of the movies I've watched, or books I had to read, already put these characters into our modern time. Also, I can barely recall any of these characters that aren't in the time period we are in now. I can't remember their names or the way they even looked. So this blog is going to be a short one since I don't remember any characters that weren't put into the 21st already.

Friday, August 22, 2014

8/22-Wacky Words

I was given these two words: water-skiing and Red Solo Cup. I first thought Red Solo Cup was a drinking game, then later found out Red Solo Cup is country song. It's about a cup company that makes red solo cups. It's like these people are scraping the bottom for song ideas now a days. So that just blew away my drunken water-skiing guy idea. Now I'm a little lost. I understand what water-skiing is; it's just how I could I combine these two words (water-skiing & Red Solo Cup) into a good story? I suppose I could write a story about a guy who got these two random words, which were Red Solo Cup and water-skiing, and was told to write a story with those words included in it. He also has to use them ten times each. By then, he could've wrote Red Solo Cup and water-skiing down about ten times in a row, but he decided to write a true story instead. This story talks about him not understanding what water-skiing and Red Solo Cup is. I take that back, he actually does know what water-skiing was. He also says how he could never combine both Red Solo Cup and water-skiing into one pretty nice short story. I hope he knows what he's going to name this story. I hope it's, "Red Solo Cup & Water-skiing" because this is all he talks about. If you want to read this story I wrote for your self, then just start back up top.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

8/21- Mystery Lady

I'm looking at this picture from some artist dude and I am really confused. It's a painting of a woman sitting in a chair, I guess. I think there is like a horse popping out the side of head and the woman's hair is the horse's mane... maybe. She's got some claws so I guess she could be a monster, or she just really needs to cut her nails. Why am I referring to it as a woman? It could be a dude for all know. I see some sort of flag in the background, but I don't know what it stands for. She/he is wearing some sort of patched up clothing and rags. There is some kind of animal in the background. I say this because I have know idea if this is suppose to be a dog, cat, or maybe it's not even a animal. The person in the picture is also wearing a island for a hat. HOLD UP! I would like to know how this was considered art! Who painted this? Where they on drugs? These are questions I don't think any one will ever know so I am done because this painting is giving me a headache.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

8/20-Alter Ego

I slowly wake up to a weird, loud noise coming from my living room. Since it was a Christmas eve night I knew what to expect, and I was right, but Santa wasn't what I thought he would be like. Instead of coming through chimney, he broke down our front door with a crowbar. This strange Santa quickly turned and looked at me. "What up bruh bruh," he said to me. "Who are you?" I asked him. "Who do you think I am, cous'. I'm your home boy Santa Clause." After he replied, he reached into his shady red dyed trench coat and threw me a present which were more disappointing then I thought they would be. "Here's them new jays you wanted. Yeah, someone 'donated' them to me." The shoes were old and torn up crocs with cloth patches sown on them to cover up the gaping holes in them. "And here's that lil' ninja sword thing you wanted too," he said as he tossed it to me. It honestly seemed like some broken off scissor blades that were duct taped onto a tree branch. "Well, I'm done in this joint so I'm out!" Before he left I asked a question I've had on my mind for a long time. "Santa, how do you travel all over the world to give presents to the other kids?" He replied with "I'm actually a child in a family of 16 children. So my little homies are giving some Christmas love to the other bros right now. It might take them a while though since we don't have the dough to buy some plane tickets, so they gotta swim." At last, he turned around and left, shouting, "Merry freakiin' Christmas lil' dude, and go back to bed before yo mama catch ya!"

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

8/19-Scariest Place

It's an very old and big building that no one knows what it's true original purpose was, so it's just referred to as the "Slaughter House." It stands tall and sturdy in the middle of a dense, foggy forest with no signs of civilizations around for miles. The Slaughter House is a plain looking concrete brick building with boarded up windows. Rumors say that some paranormal being lives within it, and this thing can capture any living form of life that enters. With these rumors spreading, people run into the building to either prove there's nothing there, to prove their bravery, to loot anything within it, or just simply to impress someone. Not one of those people ever came out. On the inside of the Slaughter House, there are corridors upon corridors, rooms upon rooms, and floors upon floors. It's like a never ending maze. All the floors are smooth concrete and the walls are solid center blocks. Every door is made up of rotting oak wood and at times you can pass a door still locked after all these years. There are absolutely no working lights within the structure, so travelers have to adventure in with some sort of light source to guide them. The entrance looks like any other door within the building, and it will lock itself once someone's inside. The hallways can occasionally fill up with a chilly gust of wind with a feeling of someone watching you. It is also completely odorless inside the mysterious building. A shadowy form of a man can also be spotted at the far ends of these corridors, but it fades away when people shuffle towards it. No one could see the face of the monster fully. This ghost tends to silently run towards anyone that is alone and looking in the opposite direction of him. Once the ghost is in arms reach, the traveler and the ghost both disappear and never to be seen again. There have been people that try to escape this nightmare, but no one can escape the Slaughter House.

Friday, August 15, 2014


Even though, I can't recall many things that happened in my kindergarten year, I can vaguely remember the bundle of emotions I felt that day. It was a mixture of fear, excitement, and overall just feeling like an idiot over the dumb things I did. I was told terrible things about school from my older sister, like if I'm not smart enough I'll fail in everything and never get a good life. Also, she told me about these "bullies" that would beat people up and how teachers were unfair and failed you if they didn't like you. So yeah, it was pretty terrifying to say the least, and that was all I knew about it when I was first dropped off  at school. But the day got better as I lightened up when I met my teacher and met other horrified people that were scared of school just like me. Everything was pretty good for that year until I grew up and started entering higher grade levels. By then, that's when my educational brain plane crashed and burned. That's another story though, and that's pretty much all I can recover from my kindergarten year.

Thursday, August 14, 2014


I chose my cats to write about. There is not much to talk about them so I'll just answer the questions asked. I don't know how they see things, probably something else to trash. I'm pretty sure they can't talk. They get along with each other, so I guess that's good. They can do some pretty funny things so yeah, I guess the got a good sense of humor. They are black cats with some random patches of white spots scattered across them. So I guess I'm done because that's all the questions.

8/14-Gross Foods

Being the picky eater I am, I can name off several foods I just demise of. But since we don't have lots of time here I'll just name off categories instead. Fruits, I don't understand how some people can eat those. I personally hate the flavor and the texture of just about every fruit I've tried. The same goes with a whole lot of the vegetables I've tasted. Also, some bizarre meats can be disgusting as well. It's hard for me to just narrow down my opinion on one food that I think is gross. So I pretty much named off everything on the food pyramid but, like I said, not that big of a fan on all the variety of foods there are out there.