Wednesday, December 17, 2014

12/17-My Finale Blog Post

Dear Mrs. Pace

#1 -When you say unit, I assume you are talking about genres. My favorite genre would've been macabre, but we ended up writing a dictionary on it. For all the other genres we wrote books, but as soon as we get to the good one, we wrote a dictionary. So now my favorite genre would be sci-fi.
#2 -My favorite creative burst was Space 2199. It was so simple but so creative. You gave us characters and a situation and told us to work off of that. You set guidelines without putting up a hundred restrictions. That was the best burst.
#3 -The film studies did not help me at all. If anything, they butchered my grade. They were good for wasting time though.
#4 -The Truman Show
#5 -The Dr. Seuss book or the macabre dictionary.
#6 -You could've had less restrictions. This class felt more like writing than creative. Could you also grade projects a little bit faster next time? It just took a little too long.
#7 -I didn't have a problem with working on the computers, but others did have technical issues. I honestly liked it.
#8 -I do not feel my grade reflects my writing because the way I write was bent and forced to write a certain way. I really didn't have a choice to do it unless I wanted a failing grade. The only reason I was sarcastic and mocked many of our assignments was just me trying to have a little bit of fun through the semester.
#9 -You might want to shrink the projects. They took us so long to complete that we didn't get to experience all of the genres. Can you also take away the film study sessions? Those only lowered our grades and wasted valuable time that could've been spent towards our projects. Also, a little less restrictions when we write. Like I answered on a previous question, I liked that certain burst because you sat up simple guidelines. This next thing I'm about to mention might just be me, but do you think of us as children? You gave us many creative bursts and assignments that seemed like they required the innocent mind of a child to do them. Those assignments I had the most trouble getting done because I could not keep them from being too dark. Finally, last suggestion, please do not give as much work. It was tough enough to complete the EOC presentation and the poetry portfolio. This class has real potential, you just need to learn from your mistakes.

Gabriel Copeland

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

12/9-Persona Poetry

I am Oprah Winfrey.
Some say I've become popular because I give free things out,
And that I buy my friends
So what if I buy my audience by giving them the next best thing.
As long as the ratings are high,
So are my stacks of money.
Whatever keeps the money rolling in,
I will do it!
I give the most expensive things away.
I buy TV stations so the attention is always on me.
Money, money, money!
Money, money, money!
Money, money, money!
There's never enough money.
(This is seriously all I know about Oprah.
I even tried to read about her on the internet,
but then I gave up halfway through.
So for the remaining lines,
I'll either just keep writing about how I don't know her,
or just make something up on the way.
I think I'll stick with making something up.
If anyone is a fan of Oprah,
DO NOT get angry at me.
At least I tried.)
On the next episode of me,
I'll probably talk about the same spiritual crap I always talk about.
Then, I will give out iPhone 8++'s.
That will really get me a audience.
And get me even more money.
Money, money, money!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

12/4-Unrequited Love

I'm not really a big writer on "love." I personally think it's overrated, so I don't have any experience in it. I did have those moments in my life where I didn't feel the same for someone who liked me. According to this research, I guess I was suppose to feel bad when I rejected them. I honestly didn't feel anything though. I just swept it off my shoulder and continued with my day, so this research doesn't really go for everyone. Both sides don't have to feel bad.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

12/2-Top Secret

So my spouse works in a counter terrorist group. I have no problem with that, but I do have a problem with the rest of the creative burst. First, if I'm old enough to be married, why would I care if school's been canceled. Second, don't I have a job I need to get to, or do I just sit around and let my wife do the work? Third, why would my spouse be in the shower with a phone, and why would she be talking about top secret information over it? She should realize that calls can be tracked and heard. Also, we must live in a really small house if I'm sleeping in bed and I can still hear her talking in the shower across the house. Why would we have a small house if she works for a government operation? If she knows top secret information about the country, she must be paid a whole lot. I just don't get it. How did she even get this job if she can't shut her mouth and know not to bring electronics into a running shower. Are we suppose to have kids by the way? The teacher put in, "school has been canceled," part for some reason. Why would we have kids? My spouse works for a group that deals with terrorists! The terrorists could hold my children hostage for a ransom of money or something like that. So we wouldn't have kids because we wouldn't want them to constantly fear for their lives, and if we don't have kids, we should have a bigger house. Kids are expensive, so why not use all that money we saved from not having children to buying a bigger house... Maybe I'm thinking too hard about this. I could've just wrote a unreasonable story about my wife illogically discussing secrets about America over the phone, but that doesn't sound very interesting or unique. I'm just going to stick with this.

Thursday, November 20, 2014


To be honest, if you're hearing voices in your head, you are probably crazy. Especially if there's five of them. What would they argue about? I don't know. I don't have voices in my head. It's kind of empty up there. I kind of do what ever I think of in that moment. If there's suppose to be different emotional voices in my head, I haven't found them yet. I barely change emotions. My natural emotion is boredom, and you can't blame me. We've been dragged through school our entire life, so how sensitive my emotions are have been numbed down. It's kind of weird. I don't get angry, I don't get sad, I don't get scared, and rarely do I ever get happy. That's only when I'm doing something bad though. How am I suppose to know what a bunch of emotions would talk about when I barely have experience in them?

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

11/18-Treason & Historical Fiction

There's a deadly war raging across the states between two rival gangs: the Supreme Cult and the Rebels. Both gangs fight for their beliefs and their greed for power. It's basically a second civil war within the United States. The authorities don't really bother getting involved into the fight because of the extreme power both gangs have. The Eastside of the country belongs to the Supreme Cult as the Westside belongs to the Rebels. Fights happened constantly because gang members wanted control over the states. Our scene is set in Texas. Where it is not confirmed who owns it, but it might be shortly. "Hello? Are you still up for the deal or not?" read the computer screen as. "Yes, the Supreme Cult can really use this state for a major funding," replied the cultist. The rebel read this and typed, "Good, here's the plan. I'll set some explosives up, detonate them, and watch my gang pull out of the state." "Sounds good, and in return, we will pay you $250,000," said the cultist. "Deal! I'll plant the bombs tomorrow. Remember to get your people to put pressure on my people when the bombs go off. The rebels won't be able to stand their ground and will be forced to retreat," typed the rebel. "Will do. We will be waiting," the cultist responded. The mysterious rebel turned off his computer and got to work on the bombs right away. By tomorrow morning, all the explosives were ready to arm. He didn't get any sleep that night, but it didn't effect him one bit. He dressed up in his rebel outfit and headed out. He drove to the locations he planned on blowing up. On his way to the first location, the road in front of him was blocked off by rebel cars. He instantly realized what was going on, so he tried to back up but was cut off by more rebel cars. He accepted his defeat and crawled out of his car. One of the Rebel's lieutenants hopped out of the car in front of the traitorous rebel. The lieutenant pulled out a handgun and pointed it to the traitor. "You almost got away with it. You do know we are informed when one of our own boys are negotiating with our enemies, right? What did you plan on doing after you got the money? You think you can just get paid and then have nothing to worry about? We really need this state and you know that. We already have California, but when we get Texas too, we will become the richest gang. You just had to put that in jeopardy," shouted the lieutenant. The traitor opened his mouth to speak, but was shot in the head before he could. "I don't have time for excuses," said the lieutenant. He then turned away from the traitors dead body and walked back to his car. He pulled out his cellphone and called someone. "The traitor has been executed. Now let's get back to dealing with the cult," spoke the lieutenant as he got back into his car.